C’è +Gusto #WithRefugees! L’Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati (UNHCR) organizza insieme ai suoi partner una serie di eventi speciali aperti a tutti gli appassionati di cibo: chef rifugiati prepareranno gustose ricette delle cucine dei loro Paesi.
Gli appuntamenti si inseriscono nell’ambito delle iniziative in programma in tutta Italia per la Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato.
Vai alle prossime tappe di +Gusto #WithRefugees
Waffa, a 21-year-old refugee from Morroco, with her friends at the Caffè Nemorense in Rome during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day.
The staff of the restourant “Pastella” during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day in Rome.
Customers who dined at the Caffè Nemorense in Rome during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day.
The journalist Livia Montagnoli, (Left) Italian actress, Marisa Laurito (Center) and the chef, Konate Bouyagui, from Mali during round table discussion during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day in Rome.
A representative of the cooperative “Bee me a job” explains how bees make honey to two little girls duiring an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day in Rome.
A client takes a picture during the talking organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day in Rome.
The president of the organization Mediterranea, Michela Pasquali , serves a refugee from Eritrea during an event organized by UNHCR.
The Staff of the restaurant 1World Kitchen serves a customer during an event organized by UNHCR.
Customers who dined at the Caffè Nemorense in Rome during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day.
The journalist Livia Montagnoli, (Left) Italian actress, Marisa Laurito (Center) and the chef, Konate Bouyagui, from Mali during round table discussion during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day in Rome.
Customers who dined at the Caffè Nemorense in Rome during an event organized by UNHCR for World Refugee Day.